Tuesday, October 26, 2010

For Coleen

I keed, I keed!!
Ha ha, your present is after the jump.

I'll put more up as I find them, you perv. I know, pot and kettle and all that. 


twunty mcslore said...

Who, Sidney? Or Chara? Just look at the manflesh. Hockey is rife with butter faces. Just bag 'em and tag 'em.

Coleen said...

Well I almost lost my lunch over the video but yummy do I love me some Chara! Just kidding...had they not been pens I would have appreciated them :)

twunty mcslore said...

As long as it's hockey, it's all good.

Oh, there's another video over on Youtube but I had to post this one. You understand:) I have all the pictures from the other clip anyway. I have an entire file on my computer. Let me know if you find any new ones, PLEASE??!!

Coleen said...

Definitely will! I never thought to look for shirtless hockey players before since I'm so used to seeing them with so much on but now I am def a full on hockey perv!

twunty mcslore said...

Welcome to my world, lol!

Coleen said...


There are a lot of links to shirtless hockey players on this page...a lot through the comments as well.

twunty mcslore said...

thanks, I'll check it when I get a chance. I'm periodically on here between cleaning the aftermath of dog hair from babysitting some major Labrador shedding machines.

Coleen said...

ok found a site dedicated just to shirtless hockey players. hockeycock.com and don't worry about the name it isn't porn! but here's one pic that's close to it lol


Anonymous said...

Coleen are you TVgasm Coleen? Hi! :)

P Cheez

Coleen said...

Hey P Cheez! Yes its the same Coleen from TvGasm! Thanks for the PM sending me to twunty's blog!

Robin said...


The one in the pic. If that's what you meant by Chara or..

And also if it was me you were asking :-)

Hugzz, Robin

twunty mcslore said...

Yeah, I was talking to you, Robin. I'll find you some better meat. I take requests as well. I'm an equal opportunity letch, lol!

Are you going to be watching Walking Dead on ANCE? Zombie horror, baby!

twunty mcslore said...

AMC. Arg

shanti said...

I like em tall, not NBA tall, just enough to reach the top shelf. And speaking of top shelf, I didn't see anything here that would melt my ice. Leaves more for you & Coleen.

Ooooo - can't wait for Walking Dead. Will you be recapping?

twunty mcslore said...

Yes, I'm going to give it a go. I've never tried my hand at scripted television before so I'm looking forward to it. I might need a new approach. Maybe a different format with more screen captions and less of a blow-by-blow. Either way, me and Mr. McSlore are really looking forward to the blood and guts. YAY!

My all-time favorite horror movie was Night of the Living Dead. The first time I saw it, I nearly peed my pants with joy. Zombies are so delightful!

Soooo, what's yours?