Monday, February 16, 2009

Puppy Update

We have been babysitting Jeremy the German Shepherd all day today and he is an absolutely wonderful dog. He's taken a huge liking to our little boxer/beagle/pointer and is in cootchie sniffing heaven. We have a fenced-in backyard and he has been very good about not trying to jump over it, thank goodness. He is very smart and follows commands immediately. They are playing like gangbusters right now and he is very careful not to hurt our smaller, albeit faster, dog. I don't think he's going to be couch surfing much longer so let me know right away if you are interested. I know that some of you live pretty far from Cleveland but if you know someone nearby, they would be lucky to have him. Hell, I'm falling in love with him! I just can't keep him right now. Oh, did I mention that he smells really good, is house broken and loves kisses? He'd make a good guard dog too. Smart as a whip and super loyal. What more could you want?


Molly said...

twunty, saw your post and wanted to apologize to you for misunderstanding and making a terrible accusation. you're a mom and a dog owner, you must be good people. ;) hopefully we can move on.

twunty mcslore said...

I appreciate that, Molly. It warms my heart. I read a lot of different blogs and I'm a huge Steelers fan and in that world those words mean something totally different. I never meant it as anything racist and I'm glad that you realize that. I now know that it could be taken as a racial slur and wont use it again. Live and learn, right?

Molly said...

oh, go ahead and use it again - i'll understand!! i rooted for the steelers and was so happy they won, but didn't know the term. i'm wiser now and thnx for being so cool about everything.

twunty mcslore said...

No problem. It takes a big person to apologize.
Now, do you know anyone who wants this dog? Anybody?

Molly said...

sorry, i wish i did. ask on cdan if you haven't already done so. i don't read all the threads so i may have missed it if you posted about it already. good luck!