Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Okay, bitches. What the Hell was THAT. Anyone? You've all been asking. I want to hear your theories.

And Cameel-Toe was totally watching.


twunty mcslore said...

Okay, I'll start. I think someone from housekeeping found incriminating evidence against Russy and passed it on to Ad. Or it was just a girlfriend passing on some seriously strong valium to another gf in need.

Unknown said...

I guess I just can't believe they would pass something illegal in front of cameras. Could it be a key or maybe she know she can't afford hair and make up done and it was a pass to the salon in the palms?

twunty mcslore said...

I don't know but Ad reminds me of the kind of girl that is always taking care of everyone. What did Stretch need? ugh. Too tired now to think.

Prodigal Sanity said...

I think Ad loaned her cash, and Taylor paid it back.

sheesh said...

Probably the fake nipple slipons Taylor was rocking at the concert later.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it WAS, so I'll go with "what I wish it was": An extremely strong Laxative, to be slipped to Camille before leaving for the concert.


JstaPwn said...

I need to watch this episode again, no doubt about it. I still think it's a "do you like me?" or "what's your favorite color?" kinda note. As for Cameeltoe, I think only industrial sized laxatives will do to achieve our desired effect. Her tolerance is probably supersized after years of abusing them.


twunty mcslore said...

Is that you, LindaW? Hiya, and welcome.

I have come to the conclusion that we are all wrong. Ad gave her a tampon and the address of the nearest battered woman's shelter. I read it on Snopes.

JstaPwn said...

Yes, this is me, lindaw. For real, it was a tampon? How disappointing.

Robin said...

Ha! I just watched it very closely. Bravo is showing the repeat. Something is fishy.

If you notice here, where Twunt has posted pics, the third pic has Taylor standing with one foot behind the other. Then, Twunt posts another pic that has her standing completely different, yet still standing in front of AD. I am assuming this is from the original broadcast.

Now, I just watched it and the scene completely ended with Taylor standing with one foot behind the other. They apparently have edited a few seconds of footage. Why would they do that on a repeat? There was certainly something that happened between them that has caused a certain amount of speculation from viewers. Did AD make them edit it a bit?

Ad could have a case of Tampons delivered to Taylor's suite before Taylor could get there and go to the bathroom. Beside's this looked like a planned hand off, not a "damn got a tampon"? momment.I have had "damn got a tampon moment" this ain't what it looks like.

I'm so curious why the scene ended differently in the repeat. Things that make you go "Bravo is fucking with us" LOL..hmmm.

Oh BTW, The recap rocked! Love ya Twunterful :-) Robin

twunty mcslore said...

Okay, Robin. You Zapruder Bitch, you. I made it all up.

Robin said...

I know...I just realised it...But they did cut a few seconds from the Show! I am writing this from a grassy knoll...

twunty mcslore said...


You know that I love you, but from now on I shall call you Lee Harvey.

Classy Drunk said...

Sorry I still wanted to comment on this but I think it's condoms. Taylor probably found some hot young stud and wanted to take care of business before the hubby got back.