Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sonja Morgan's Bankruptcy

Well, isn't this depressing. A week ago Gawker reported that silly sunny Sonja had to file bankruptcy, claiming 19 million in debt against 13 million in assets. The reason for this is not a Giudice spending spree with no intention of paying what she knew she didn't have, this one is due to a film deal gone bad when the big star, John Travolta, pulled out. If only it was to take place in a bath house, none of this would have happened. 

So, my question is, do you think that she is simply protecting her remaining assets from being seized because of the court's $7 million judgement against her? Or is she another devil may care chick who didn't surround herself with the right financial advisors after her divorce? She always seemed a trifle flighty to me, not in a calculated con artist manner, not like the Forehead-less wonder. More like someone who shouldn't have tried to produce a movie without doing her homework. Actually, it's probably both. 

She needs to put her thinking cap on, slide into those fuck-me heels and get back on the prowl again, this time for a fat cat and not a Eurotrash rent boy. Perhaps she could be a restaurant hostess in Dubai? Or she can downsize, like LuLu had to.Whatever she does, we'll be watching and judging. I'm just sad that it's one of my favorites instead of old Poopy Pants. sigh

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