Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Clash of the Cretins

Do Philly and New York have the worst fans?
I can't answer for Philly but I did fear for my life at a Yankees game back in the early 90s. Then again, one of my favorite people in the world is a huge fan of the pinstripes and even worked for them so, yeah. I'm going to be wishy-washy on this one.
But what is with the orange and brown suits? I am not getting that part. Must be a Fall reference because I have worn my Steelers gear in Browns' stadium and only one drunk ass dude with beer fueled bravery said anything other than good humored insult banter. And then he saw my 6'4" brother and shut the hell up.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Clash of the Cretins
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