Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wherefore Art Thou, Spring?

Drizzle, drizzle damp and dreary. I am so sick of winter, and where the heck is that early spring we were promised? That buck toothed rodent is going to receive a sternly worded letter from me, harrumph!

In the meantime, here are some pictures I took of my Spring flowers in years past. 

Double tulip. These bulbs do not age well and I only had three survive to the second year. If you have the room, it's best to lift the bulbs in June after all the foliage has died down and move them to a very dry spot for the summer. Otherwise they get water logged and rot.

more pictures after the jump.

Here are 'golden oxford' tulips right after blooming..

The same tulip two weeks later. Unreal. I highly recommend these bulbs as they've lasted three years now and have multiplied, and here's evidence from last year that I just found in my phone.

I started out with ten and I count at least 16 in this photo. The white flowering bush in the background is a Viburnum. Smells amazing.

Just gorgeous with the pink and green outer petals. Sadly, these 'hot pants' variety  were planted around a hydrangea that needs copious amounts of water in the hot summer. Oops. Should have lifted them as well.

These did really well in a mostly shaded area.

They flop around a lot, but I love that I got all those shades of purple from one trip to Bremec's Garden Center. Support your Mom & Pop stores!

I absolutely love the combination of purple, green and yellow, and the way some Azaleas age and have to meander their growth around other bushes.

Truly blue flowers are rare, except for these grape hyacinths. I love the powder blue guy in the front. It's a new hybrid and I need to get more!

Lastly, one of our peonies, a Karl Rosenfeld. Words don't adequately express how much I love and coddle these plants. 

Now if only Spring would get here already! I have brand new wine & cheese and sherbet tulips I need to photograph!

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