Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is Kate Hudson The New Annie Savoy?

You remember Bull Durham. Susan Sarandon played Annie, a baseball junkie/philosophizing guru for the new meat in the minor leagues. She took on someone new each season to help them learn to get their head straight before they could excell and make it to the majors. If Tim Robbins' character had to wear a garter belt on the mound (oooo, double entendre) or submit to being tied up to improve his game, then so be it.

And here we have Kate Hudson licking on A-Rod's rod. AND this is the first time that he has shown up in the post season. Hitting clutch 2 run homers, looking confident and like a leader for a change instead of taking uo space and dragging the team down.

She's done it before. Lance Armstrong, PGA golfing hottie Adam Scott. As soon as someone on the Penguins starts slumping, I am going to pray that she hooks up with them.

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