Monday, April 13, 2009

I Have a Feeling That This is Going to Get Juicy

Grab your popcorn and get ready for what may end up being an epic divorce. TMZ is reporting that Mel Gibson's wife Robin filed for divorce on Maundy Thursday. That's right. The day of the last supper and the day before Good Friday and three days before Easter. Talk about timing! This must be one pissed off lady to coincide the filing of her papers with a holiday that her husband is forever connected to because of his outragiously graphic and pious 'The Passion of the Christ.' Better start washing some feet, Mel. Catholics aren't supposed to get divorced, now are they, and it sounds like you've got some naughty things to atone for.

And who knows what he has been up to after his DUI and hanging out with Britney Spears in hotels. Maybe he fell off the wagon again? I have no idea, but remember, this is a guy who has had many allegations of cheapness and mistreatment of locals during the filming of 'Apocalyptica' and HE DOESN'T HAVE A PRENUP. Say goodbye to half of that alleged 900 million dollars, Mel, or hello to a whole shitstorm of bad publicity.

It must suck to be famous in the information age.

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