Watching this almost makes me want to be pale again! ALMOST. I love the red and gold make-up, though on me it would look a tad, um....Tammy Faye. Anna Piaggi, IF I'm lucky. Your 40s aren't usually the right time to start experimenting. No eyebrow shaving or huge blonde hair for me. Those days are LONG gone. These days you will find me in a golf skirt and ponytail. In Fall- tights and sweaters. Bottoms are optional and depend on whether I am going out, or if Mr. McSlore is home.
I love his designs, always have. He's also HELLA hot. Voila:
Look at him being all queen-y in the front row of a fashion show. Oh my God, I love him so. He always has that tiny smile and you can just tell that he loves to share naughty stories and insider gossip, with the right people, of course.
How I would love to be one of those people. We share the same birthday and both worked in the fashion biz. Does that count?
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