Sunday, April 4, 2010

This Is How Bunny Makes The Bed

Happy Easter and Passover everybody!


Race said...

oh, this is beyond cuteness... makes me miss my bunny. so sweet ^_^

Race said...

oh, this is beyond cuteness... makes me miss my bunny. so sweet ^_^

twunty mcslore said...

Awww, you had a bunny friend? I want one but the dogs will just eat it and I don't feel like picking bloody fur out of their teeth. It's bad enough I have to pull out hairy doodies after they eat the contents of my brush.

Race said...

i did have a bunny friend, and the cats knew not to eat her, she died of old age, she was 11 years old. and yes she would have been a bloody morsel. rabbits heart rate accelerate fast, lotsa times they stroke out, dying of fear, but puncture that jugular, and its a bloody mess.